学術研究作品 <Works on Scientific Studies>


A Study on Carbon Cycle on the Coral Reefs in Shiraho, Okinawa, Japan

東京大学大学院理学系研究科地理学専攻 修士課程 田中義幸

University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geography, Y. Tanaka


This is a part of study on the carbon cycle in the air, ocean, and living organisms. Within the study of the carbon cycle in the ocean, carbon enters into the marine organisms such as corals, sea weeds, etc. Patterns of distribution of sea weeds is, however, not quite studied while it is known that they are the food producer for marine life. It also supports the life of people living on the coastal area.


In order to study the patterns of distribution of sea weeds, it is essential to record the growth of them throughout the year, preferably by means of photographs. Kite aerial photography is one of the best means to do it. Satellite images may not be able to obtain the spot we need to study as sometimes clouds are an obstacle. Air photo taken by conventional air craft is expensive. With stable wind, kite aerial photography is the best means of recording the area with high resolution at low cost.



As a result, on the pictures taken in summer, white sand covers the area. The pictures taken in winter, however, show the greens are sea weeds. We acknowledge that this study is funded by Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST).



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