学術研究作品 <Works on Scientific Studies>


Kite Aerial Photography in a Jaisamel Research - An Attempt


東京工業大学建築学科 八木研究室 

渡 辺   猛    荻 野  隆 博 

法政大学 建築学科 茶谷研究室  

長 田 久 美   根 上 英 志 

森 田 健太郎    佐 藤  武 

辻  充 晋    東 條 一 隆 

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, Yagi Seminar Room

Hosei University, Dept. of Architecture, Chaya Seminar Room



This is a research work carried out in Jaisaimel, Pakistan in an attempt to reveal their life style and spatial arrangement. For this purpose, we tried to use kite for aerial photography. The area is very congested and there was no wide area for flying kite. However, we were told to use the roof of mosque now has become ruin.

On a day with moderate wind, we sent a kite up and it was on its way up and up .... and the accident occurred. We saw a black dot moving down. The camera fell off. Luckily, there was no casualty but the camera landed on the roof of local resident's house that at least threatened lives of the people living in it. We apologized but some shots were taken as shown here.



On the second attempt, we took the roof of hotel. We did not know there was turbulence in the sky. At least the kite was dancing in the air. When the kite was stabilized to some extent, we decided to put the camera on the line. As the camera was climbing up, the kite then began circling as the beams were dislocated. The local people helped us to salvage kite and camera. Later, police men showed up and confiscated all of the kite photography equipment. We made a big news on the local newspaper after that.

Our attempt was failure. The location near the international border may have made our research work very difficult. However, kite aerial photography is very useful for our study and we will try our best to persuade the local officials until we successfully complete our study.

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