学術研究作品 <Works on Scientific Studies>


Research on the Laro Shell Mound in the Philippines

東京外語大学 小川英文 

上智大学文学部 田中和彦

H. Ogawa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

K. Tanaka, Sophia University 


Cagayan River is the second longest in the Republic of the Philippines. It runs, in the north of Zuzon Island, from south to north, forming Cagayan Valley with wide plains along the river. Laro is a town in the lower reach of the river. Together with Camalauniugan to the north and Gattaran to the south, the area is rich with fresh water mollusk, called Kabibi in the local language.

 この2枚貝は、学名をバティッサ・チルドレニ(Batissa Childreni)といい、日本でいうシジミの仲間であるが、日本のシジミのように小さなものではなく、通常でも5〜6cmの大きさがあり、大きいものでは10cm程にもなる。スープにして食すと極めて美味な貝である。この貝は、現在食されているばかりでなく、はるか昔から食されていたようで、カガヤン川の両岸には、ラロを中心にして多数の貝塚が残されている。その数は、現在まで我々の調査によって確認されただけでも24箇所にのぼる。これらの貝塚群は、その規模からいって、東南アジアでも有数の貝塚群と考えられるものであるが、それが、いつごろどのように形成されてきたかについては、70年代と80年代において2、3の調査がなされただけで不明な事が多い。

The scientific name of shell is "Batissa Childreni" and its shell is measured approximately 50 mm. Some of them grow as large as 100 mm. It has been one of the important food for the people living in this area and probably so for a long time as there are a number of evidences of shell fish mounds as ruins as a sign of ancient living area around Laro. These ruins probably indicate that they are one of the largest among Southeast Asia. However, research works have been carried out a few times in the 70s and 80s and largely unknown to the academic communities.


The research works have been conducted by H. Ogawa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies as a key person. These shell fish mounds are studied as well as other archaeological objects unearthed in and around the ruins in order to reestablish the life of the people of the time the shell fish mounds are formed. The work started in 1995 and the photographs were taken in 1997.

 (文責 上智大学文学部非常勤講師 田中 和彦) 


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